Saturday, January 19, 2019

CAD TEST / Impossible Design / Confusing Isometric View Drawing - Time Zero

CAD TEST / Impossible Design /                                    

Confusing Isometric View Drawing

During the CAD test, there are some confusing geometry will ask to draw.
Here are some examples of 3D drawing available in all view with an isometric view. You can try to draw and also available 3D CAD file below for download.
First, you can draw from 2D drawing only and then go for 3D CAD file.


2D files are available in PDF format

3D files are available in IGS format

Impossible geometry for CAD test 01 to 03 PDF file

Impossible geometry for CAD test 01 to 03 PDF file

IMP 01 IGS file

IMP 02 IGS file

IMP 03 IGS file

IMP 04 IGS file

Best of luck.

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